^ [[Latest news]] (latest update: 2024-03-06)^ ^Latest Problems Reported by Leiden University ISSC^ {{rss>https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/storingen/nieuws/rss.xml 5 author date 1h}} ---- ====== Working from home ====== Here are some useful tips for [[remote_access|working from home]]: | [[Remote access]] SSH,VNC,X2GO,RDP | [[univ:selfservice|Access to university self service]] | | [[videoconf:desktop|Videoconferencing]] | [[https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/remoteteaching|Remote teaching]] | ======Computer Documentation Wiki====== If you have a problem with your computer, your network connection, software wishes, license usage etc, please file the problem at ^ Institute ^Helpdesk page: ^ Helpdesk e-mail: ^ | [[https://www.staff.universiteitleiden.nl/ict/help-and-support/manuals|University (ULCN)]] | [[https://helpdesk.universiteitleiden.nl/]] | | | [[https://helpdesk.strw.leidenuniv.nl/wiki/doku.php?id=sterrewacht_strw| Sterrewacht]] | [[https://helpdesk.strw.leidenuniv.nl]] | | | [[https://helpdesk.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/wiki/doku.php?id=institute_lorentz|Lorentz Institute]] | [[https://helpdesk.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl]] | | | [[https://helpdesk.physics.leidenuniv.nl/wiki/doku.php?id=lion:start|LION]] | [[https://helpdesk.physics.leidenuniv.nl]] | | And please mention who you are, and on which system you have the problem. If possible, include the exact commands and errors, or point us to the files/location where the problem exists. Help us to help you!! ====== Documentation ====== This is the area where you can find a solution for (all) your computer related problems for the institutes mentioned above. There is also a good search function in the wiki, and a full sitemap, to help you to quickly find what you are looking for. If you have computer issues with University computers, WIFI and/or ULCN accounts please go to the [[https://www.medewerkers.universiteitleiden.nl/ict/|ISSC helpdesk pages]] or mail the issc helpdesk: [[mailto:helpdesk@issc.leidenuniv.nl|helpdesk@issc.leidenuniv.nl]]. ===== Institutes ===== * [[sterrewacht_strw|Sterrewacht Leiden / Leiden Observatory]] * [[lion:|Leiden institute of physics (LION)]] * [[institute_lorentz|Lorentz Institute for Theorethical Physics / Instituut Lorentz]] =====Email===== * [[email|Email]] * [[procmail|Forwarding your institute mail]] * [[email:ulcn_forward|Umail forwarding]] (University mailbox) * Implementation of the university mail forwarding policy [[strw:mailforward|STRW]] & [[lion:forwarding|LION]] =====Generic Information===== * [[univ:selfservice|University Self Service]] * [[printing|Printing]] | [[generic:laptopprint|Printing from laptops]] | [[poster_printing|Poster printing]] * [[password_expiration|Password expiration]] * [[generic:wireless|Wireless access]] * [[Remote access]] * [[policies:security|Security Policy]] * [[linux:datamanagement|Data management]] =====Software===== * [[Software introductions|Linux Software introductions]] * [[manuals|Windows software manuals]] * [[Ordering Software]] * [[general_software|Licensed software]] =====Hardware===== * [[policy_computer_acquisition|Computer acquisitions]] * [[generic:order_hardware|Ordering Computer Hardware]] * [[leaving:hardware|Hardware acquired using SAP organized funding]]