=====First Time Access===== ====With a Personal Computer==== If you don not have a Smart Phone, or if you do not want to use a Smart Phone, you can use alternative programs to provide the passcode needed for 2FA. A few of these programs are: * KeepassXC ([[https://keepassxc.org]] GUI) or, * oathtool ([[https://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/]] GNU/Linux cmd line) or, * OTP Manager ([[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/otp-manager/id928941247]] MacOS) * [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/winotp-authenticator/9nf2rgqkx1mv?activetab=pivot:overviewtab|WinOTP]] or [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/otp-manager/9nblggh6hngn?activetab=pivot:overviewtab|OTP manager]] for Windows * Chrome extension [[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/authenticator/bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai|authenticator]] or any softwares that implements OTP standards.
{{:services:idp.png?400 |}}2FA Login screen (Click image to enlarge).
\\ So after installing one or more of the above programs you can proceed to go to a web page that helps you setup 2FA. For example, you can go to the [[https://vdesk.strw.leidenuniv.nl|Sterrewacht virtual desktop]]. When you access that page you are redirected to the new Observatory Identity Provider and presented with a login window.
{{:services:idp2.png?400 |}}2FA setup secret key form QR code version (Click image to enlarge).
\\ After entering your account credentials you are present a QR code on the next page. Your computer programs are not equipped to scan QR codes, so you need to 'see' the secret key. For this you click the link ''%%Unable to scan?%%'' \\
{{:services:idp6.png?400 |}} 2FA setup secret key form clear text version (Click image to enlarge).
\\ After clicking the link you will be presented a window that shows you the secret key in clear text. Copy this key and save it in a place where your program can use it. Then run this program to obtain a passcode (a six digit number). Transfer this passcode to the form. Note that the passcodes have a lifespan of 30 seconds, so you might need to regenerate a new passcode if the 30 sec. timeslot has passed. \\ Since you are now setting up 2FA for the first time, you may also type in a name for the device from which you are getting the passcodes. It is merely a tag for later use. Having filled in all required fields, you continue to ''%%Submit%%'' the next form. Now follow the steps from section [[services:2fa:continued|Remaining Setup]]