^ latest news ^\ | [[strw:meetingroom| Reserve meetingrooms GOB]] | | New UL policy about AUTOMATIC mail forwarding: [[strw:mailforward|STRW]] / [[lion:forwarding|LION]] | | **Docking stations** [[manuals:docking|Using docking stations]] and [[manuals:rds|STRW/LION Remote Desktop Services]]| | [[linux:fedora_39|Fedora 39 announcement]] | | **Overleaf** [[manuals:overleaf|Campus license]]| | **Lorentz Institute** privacy-oriented videoconf system has been discontinued for lack of users | | 2FA mandatory for [[vpn#lorentz_institute|Lorentz Institute VPN]] | | **Hybrid Teaching in Huygens** \\ [[strw:teaching:hybrid|Read the docs]] \\ Note: Hybride solution for HL106, 204, 207, 226 is also in place but is connected to the ISSC desktop. HL111 has no hybrid solution!| | **Recent security measures** \\ [[strw:security_enhancements|Security Enhancements Web Servers Sterrewacht]] | | **VPN** [[vpn|Services]] (For all institutes)| | **Two-factor Authentication** is mandatory for \\ - [[services:2fa|Sterrewacht]] and \\ - [[institute_lorentz:2fa|Institute Lorentz]] and \\ - [[lion:2fa|LION]] \\ - [[univ:mfa_easier|UL MFA made easy]] | | **Zoom** [[services:zoom|changes associated with UL Zoom Business license]] | | **FTP server discontinued** [[linux:service:ftp|Alternative service to anonymous FTP]] | | **Forwarding UMail** \\ You are known to the University by your UMail mailbox only, so setup your [[UMail forwarding]] immediately! | | **Virtual Desktop Clusters ** \\ Information regarding the Virtual Desktop Cluster for all \\ - Sterrewachters can be found [[manuals:virtualdesktopserver|here]].\\ - Lorentz Institute associates can be found [[institute_lorentz:remote_workspace|here]]| | Leiden Faculty of Science Dean Michiel Kreutzer has created a LaTeX class for the official letter format used in business communication from Leiden University. [[tex:leiletter|Read all about this LaTex Class]] |